NoProject TitleDomainYear
WTM001Digital Image Sharing by Diverse Image MediaDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM002A Compressive Sensing based Secure Watermark Detection and Privacy Preserving Storage FrameworkDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM003A Novel Data Embedding Method Using Adaptive Pixel Pair MatchingDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM004A Probabilistic Model of Visual Cryptography Scheme With Dynamic GroupDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM005A Secret-Sharing-Based Method for Authentication of Grayscale Document Images via the Use of the PNG Image With a Data Repair CapabilityDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM006Robust Watermarking of Compressed and Encrypted JPEG 2000 imagesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM007Two-Level QR Code for Private Message Sharing and Document AuthenticationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM008Securing Digital Data using 256-bit Multimodal Biometrics based Cryptographic KeyDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM009Low Distortion Transform for Reversible WatermarkingDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM010A Novel (K,N) Secret Sharing Scheme from Quadratic Residues for Grayscale ImagesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM011A New Secure Image Transmission Technique via secret fragment visible mosaic imagesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM012Designing an Efficient Image Encryption – Then- Compression SystemDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM013A Novel Approach Towards Dynamic And Scalable Video Communication Using OFDMA and C-OFDMA Schemes over Wireless 4G NetworksDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM014Automatic Detection of 3D Quality Defects in Stereoscopic Videos Using Binocular DisparityDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM015Salient object detection with spatiotemporal background priors for videoDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM016Patch-Based Video Denoising With Optical Flow EstimationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM017Blind Super Resolution of Real-Life Video SequencesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM018Holoentropy measures for image stitching of scenes acquired under CAMERA unknown or arbitrary positionsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM019An Accurate Multi-Row Panorama Generation Using Multi-Point Joint StitchingDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM020Fast Image Dehazing Method Based on Linear TransformationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM021A Hierarchical Approach for Rain or Snow Removing in A Single Color ImageDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM022Contrast Enhancement Based on Intrinsic Image DecompositionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM023Cartoon and Texture Decomposition based Color Transfer for Fabric ImagesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM024Words Matter: Scene Text for Image Classification and RetrievalDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM025WLS filter based cartoon and texture decomposition for color transfer in fabric imagesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM026Characterness An Indicator of Text in the WildDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM027Interactive Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Constraint PropagationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM028FRESH—FRI-Based Single-Image Super-Resolution AlgorithmDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM029Blind Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped Images Via Analysis of Information, Naturalness, and StructureDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM030Contrast Enhancement by Nonlinear Diffusion FilteringDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM031One-Class Writer-Independent Offline Signature Verification Using Feature Dissimilarity ThresholdingDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM032Sensor Pattern Noise Estimation Based on Improved Locally Adaptive DCT Filtering and Weighted Averaging for Source Camera Identification and VerificationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM033A Mixed Generative-Discriminative Based Hashing MethodDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM034A Feature-Enriched Completely Blind Image Quality EvaluatorDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM035A Probabilistic Approach for Color Correction in Image Mosaicking ApplicationsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM036Image Denoising by Exploring External and Internal CorrelationsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM037Image Super-Resolution Based on Structure-Modulated Sparse RepresentationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM038Multifocus Image Fusion Based on NSCT and Focused Area DetectionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM039Variable-Length Signature for Near-Duplicate Image MatchingDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM040Single Image Superresolution Based on Gradient Profile SharpnessDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM041Hyperspectral Image Classification Through Bilayer Graph Based LearningDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM042Images as Occlusions of Textures A Framework for segmentationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM043Phase-Based Binarization of Ancient Document Images: Model and ApplicationsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM044Progressive Image Denoising Through Hybrid Graph Laplacian Regularization : A Unified FrameworkDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM045Context-Dependent Logo Matching and RecognitionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM046Scene Text Detection via Connected Component Clustering and Nontext FilteringDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM047Brain Tumor Detection and Classification Using Artificial IntelligenceYOLOV2 & MobileNetV2 ArchitectureMATLAB-2023
WTM048Classification of Potholes using Convolutional Neural Network ModelGoogleNet ArchitectureMATLAB-2023
WTM049Deep Learning Based Parkinsons Disease Progression Analysis Using DaTscan ImagesInception V3 ModelMATLAB-2023
WTM050Artificial Intelligence based Facial Emotions Analysis for Depression DetectionAlexNet CNN ModelMATLAB-2023
WTM051Grading Of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Deep LearningCNN Model ArchitectureMATLAB-2023
WTM052Identification of Plant Disease from Leaf Images Based on Convolutional Neural NetworkAlexNet CNN ModelMATLAB-2023
WTM053Knee Osteoarthritis Detection and Classification Using X-RaysFaster R-CNN & GoogleNetMATLAB-2023
WTM054Weeds and Crop Image Classification using Deep Learning TechniqueResNet50MATLAB-2023
WTM055URL Based Phishing Website Detection using Machine Learning ModelsSupport Vector Machine (SVM) and Random ForestMATLAB-2023
WTM056AI-based Gender Identification using Facial FeaturesAlexNet-CNNMATLAB-2023
WTM057Skin Disease Classification using Deep LearningVGG16 ArchitectureMATLAB-2023
WTM058Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using Image ProcessingK-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Random ForestMATLAB-2023
WTM059Classification of Leukemia White Blood Cell Cancer using Image Processing and Machine LearningK-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)MATLAB-2023
WTM060Age Prediction through Facial Images using Deep LearningAlexNet CNN ModelMATLAB-2023
WTM061Brain Stroke Classification Through Image Processing and SVMSupport Vector Machine (SVM)MATLAB-2023
WTM062Video-Based Driver Drowsiness Detection SystemSupport Vector Machine (SVM) and Random ForestMATLAB-2023
WTM063Enhanced Fog Detection and Visibility Measurement in Adverse Weather ConditionsImage ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM064Flower Species Detection using Machine Learning TechniqueKNN and SVMMATLAB-2023
WTM065Face Recognition and Expression Detection for the Visually ImpairedK-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)MATLAB-2023
WTM066Night Time Vehicle Detection Using Image Processing and Linear SVMLinear SVMMATLAB-2023
WTM067Human Action Recognition using Image Processing and Nearest Mean ClassifierNearest Mean Classifier (NMC)MATLAB-2023
WTM068Traffic Light Controller System and Road Congestion Detection based on Counting of VehiclesGray Level Co- Occurrence Matrix (GLCM)MATLAB-2023
WTM069Secure Authentication System Using Visual CryptographyImage ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM070Effective Detection of Copy Move Forgery using HOG and Machine LearningSupport Vector Machine (SVM)MATLAB-2023
WTM071Traffic Sign Detection and Classification using HOG and SVMSupport Vector Machine (SVM)MATLAB-2023
WTM072Breast Cancer Detection and ClassificationMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM073Automatic Breast Segmentation and Cancer Detection via SVM in MammogramsMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM074Computer Aided Theragnosis Using Quantitative Ultrasound Spectroscopy and Maximum Mean Discrepancy in Locally Advanced Breast CancerMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM075Tumor Detection in Brain MRI Image Using Template based K-means and Fuzzy C-means Clustering AlgorithmMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM076Brain tumor detection and classification based on two classifier modelMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM077Brain Tumor Segmentation and Its Area Calculation in Brain MR Images using K-Mean Clustering and Fuzzy C-Mean AlgorithmMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM078Brain Tumor detection and classificationMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM079Diabetes Detection based on Iris abnormalMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM080Iris Diagnosis – A Quantitative Non-Invasive Tool for Diabetes DetectionMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM081Automated Diagnosis of Glaucoma Using Empirical Wavelet Transform and Correntropy Features Extracted from Fundus ImagesMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM082Retinal Disease Screening through Local Binary PatternsMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM083Glaucoma Detection from Fundus Images Using MATLAB GUIMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM084Blood Vessel Segmentation in Fundus Images and Detection of GlaucomaMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM085Blood Vessel Segmentation in Fundus Images and Detection of Glaucoma using SVMMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM086Red Lesion Detection Using Dynamic Shape Features for Diabetic Retinopathy ScreeningMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM087Bagged textural and color features for melanoma skin cancer detection in dermoscopic and standard imagesMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM088system to predict the gestational age and extracting the features such as length of the fetus and its orientationMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM089Automatic Classification of Intracardiac Tumor and Thrombi in Echocardiography based on Sparse RepresentationMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM090Real-Time Automatic Artery Segmentation, Reconstruction and Registration for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anaesthesia of the Femoral NerveMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM091Automatic Hookworm Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy ImagesMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM092An Automatic Learning-Based Framework for Robust Nucleus SegmentationMedical Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM093Deep Learning for Face Recognition under Complex Illumination Conditions Based on Log-Gabor and LBPImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM094Topology Preserving Structural Matching for Automatic Partial Face RecognitionImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM095Facial Age Estimation with Age DifferenceImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM096Simultaneous Feature and Dictionary Learning for Image Set Based Face RecognitionImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM097Automated human identification using partial face imageImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM098Aging Face Recognition: A Hierarchical Learning Model Based on Local Patterns SeectionImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM099Facial Sketch Synthesis Using Two-dimensional Direct Combined Model- based Face-Specific Markov NetworkImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM100Robust Point Set Matching for Partial Face RecognitionImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM101Face Recognition across Non-Uniform Motion Blur, Illumination, and PoseImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM102Face Sketch Synthesis via Sparse Representation-Based Greedy SearchImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM103Mining Weakly Labeled Web Facial Images for Search-Based Face AnnotationImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM104Crime Detection using Facial FeaturesImage Processing (Face Recognition)MATLAB-2023
WTM105A Facial-Expression Monitoring System for Improved Healthcare in Smart CitiesImage Processing (Facial Expression)MATLAB-2023
WTM106Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition With Atlas Construction and Sparse RepresentationImage Processing (Facial Expression)MATLAB-2023
WTM107Robust Representation and Recognition of Facial Emotions Using Extreme Sparse LearningImage Processing (Facial Expression)MATLAB-2023
WTM108Local Directional Number Pattern for Face Analysis: Face and Expression RecognitionImage Processing (Facial Expression)MATLAB-2023
WTM109Classification of Chikoo (Sapota) Fruits on basis of RGB colour space using Digital Image ProcessingDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM110Machine vision based sorting of Chikoo (sapota) fruit of Dahanu taluka region using Digital Image ProcessingDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM111Higher Order Dynamic Conditional Random Fields Ensemble for Crop Type Classification in Radar ImagesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM112Feature based transition region extraction for image segmentation: Application to worm separation from leavesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM113Image Forgery DetectionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM114Illuminant-Based Transformed Spaces for Image ForensicsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM115Analyzing the Effect of JPEG Compression on Local Variance of Image IntensityDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM116Revealing the Trace of High-Quality JPEG Compression through Quantization Noise AnalysisDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM117Revealing the Traces of JPEG Compression Anti-ForensicsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM118Traffic Light Controller System using Counting of Vehicles in MATLABDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM119Car detection in real time environment during fog hazy dayDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM120Smart Traffic Detection System Using Canny Edge DetectionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM121A Practical Animal Detection and Collision Avoidance System Using Computer Vision TechniqueDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM122A Robust and Efficient Approach to License Plate DetectionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM123Accurate Detection and Recognition of Dirty Vehicle Plate Numbers for High- Speed ApplicationsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM124Night Time Vehicle detection and tracking based on SVMDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM125License Plate deblurring and detectionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM126Robust Blur Kernel Estimation for License Plate Images From Fast Moving VehiclesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM127An Improved Traffic Signs Recognition and Tracking Method for Driver Assistance System in MATLABDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM128Moving Object Tracking Under Occlusion Using Hybrid ModelDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM129Principal Visual Word Discovery for Automatic License Plate DetectionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM130Log-Gabor Filters for Image-Based Vehicle VerificationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM131Deep Representation based feature extraction and recovering for Finger-vein verificationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM132Learning Correspondence Structures for Person Re-identificationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM133Image Registration and re-verification process with Pattern Recognition TechniquesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM134A Security-Enhanced Alignment-Free Fuzzy Vault-Based Fingerprint Cryptosystem Using Pair-Polar Minutiae StructuresDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM135Distance-Based Encryption: How to Embed Fuzziness in Biometric-Based EncryptionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM136Fingerprint Liveness Detection From Single Image Using Low-Level Features and Shape AnalysisDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM137Iris Recognition Based on Human-Interpretable FeaturesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM138Automated Human Identification Using Ear ImagingDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM139Detection and Rectification of Distorted FingerprintsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM140An Efficient Parallel Approach for Sclera Vein RecognitionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM141Combining Left and Right Palmprint Images for More Accurate Personal IdentificationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM142Fingerprint Compression Based on Sparse RepresentationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM143Adaptive Fingerprint Image Enhancement With Emphasis on Preprocessing of DataDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM144An Image-Based Approach to Detection of Fake CoinsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM145Multiple Moving Object Detection From UAV Videos Using Trajectories of Matched Regional Adjacency GraphsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM146Learning Spatio-Temporal Information for Multi-Object TrackingDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM147Robust Visual Tracking via Incremental Subspace Learning and Local Sparse RepresentationDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM148A Feature Learning and Object Recognition Framework for Underwater Fish ImagesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM149Detection of Moving Objects Using Fuzzy Color Difference Histogram Based Background SubtractionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM150Commutative Encryption and Data Hiding in HEVC Video CompressionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM151New Framework of Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG BitstreamsDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM152Data hiding scheme based on pixel-value differencing in dual imagesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM153Chaos-based fast colour image encryption scheme with true random number keys from environmental noiseDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM154A Video Watermarking DRM Method Based on H.264 Compressed Domain with Low Bit-Rate IncreasementDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM155A high payload steganographic algorithm based on edge detectionDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM156Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Progressive RecoveryDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM157Modified Buyer Seller Watermarking Protocol based on Discrete Wavelet TransformDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM158Data Security using Cryptography and SteganographyDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM159Implementation and performance analysis of DCT DWT SVD based watermarking algorithms for Color imagesDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
WTM160Steganography Using Reversible Texture SynthesisDigital Image ProcessingMATLAB-2023
Categories: Project


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