Sno | Title | Domain | Language | year |
A Deep Learning Approach to Infer Employment Status of Passengers by Using Smart Card Data | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
Domain-Specific Bayesian Deep-learning Approach for Air Pollution Forecast | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
A Time Series Mining Approach For Agricultural Area Detection | Big Data | Python/Java | 2020 | |
Benchmarking Blocking Algorithms for Web Entities | Big Data | Python/Java | 2020 | |
Blockchain-Based Adaptive Trust Management in Internet of Vehicles Using Smart Contract | Big Data | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Comorbidity Patterns and its Impact on Health Outcomes: Two-way Clustering Analysis | Big Data | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Deep Convolutional Neural Network based Medical Concept Normalization | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
EKT: Exercise-aware Knowledge Tracing for Student Performance Prediction | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
Extracting Medical Knowledge from Crowd sourced Question Answering Website | Big Data | Java/Python/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Geospatial Event Detection by Grouping Emotion Contagion in Social Media | Big Data | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Heterogeneous Daily Living Activity Learning through Domain Invariant Feature Subspace | Big Data | Java/Python | 2020 | |
LSTM based Phishing Detection for Big Email Data | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
On Security of an Identity-Based Dynamic Data Auditing Protocol for Big Data Storage | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
Optimizing Taxi Driver Profit Efficiency:A Spatial Network-Based Markov Decision Process Approach | Big Data | Java | 2020 | |
Overlapping Community Change-Point Detection in an Evolving Network | Big Data | Java | 2020 | |
P-MOD: Secure Privilege-Based Multilevel Organizational Data-Sharing in Cloud Computing | Big Data | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Prediction of Taxi Destinations Using a Novel Data Embedding Method and Ensemble Learning | Big Data | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Privacy-Preserving Continuous Data Collection for Predictive Maintenance in Vehicular Fog-Cloud | Big Data | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Product Supply Optimization for Crowdfunding Campaigns | Big Data | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Voice of Charity: Prospecting the Donation Recurrence & Donor Retention in Crowdfunding | Big Data | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Sense and Sensibility: Characterizing Social Media Users Regarding the Use of Controversial Terms for COVID-19 | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
Short-term Rainfall Forecasting Using Multi-layer Perceptron | Big Data | Java/Python | 2020 | |
D-LSTM: Short-Term Road Traffic Speed Prediction Model Based on GPS Positioning Data | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
Taxi Demand Prediction Using Parallel Multi-Task Learning Model | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
Traffic Demand Prediction Based on Dynamic Transition Convolutional Neural Network | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
Transfer to Rank for Top-N Recommendation | Big Data | Python/Java | 2020 | |
OpinionRank: Trustworthy Website Detection using Three Valued Subjective Logic | Big Data | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
T-PCCE: Twitter Personality based Communicative Communities Extraction System for Big Data | Big Data | Python/Java | 2020 | |
Crowdsourcing based Description of Urban Emergency Events using Social Media Big Data | Big Data | Python | 2020 | |
A Key-Policy Attribute-Based Temporary Keyword Search scheme for Secure Cloud Storage | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A New Lightweight Symmetric Searchable Encryption Scheme for String Identification | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Achieving Secure and Efficient Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption over Medical Cloud Data | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
An Efficient Privacy-Aware Authentication Scheme with Hierarchical Access Control for Mobile Cloud Computing Services | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Attribute Based Encryption with Privacy Protection and Accountability for CloudIoT | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Authentication and Key Agreement Based on Anonymous Identity for Peer-to-Peer Cloud | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Designing Secure and Efficient Biometric-Based Secure Access Mechanism for Cloud Services | Cloud computing | Python/Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
DNA Similarity Search with Access Control over Encrypted Cloud Data | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Efficient Decentralized Attribute Based Access Control for Mobile Clouds | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Fast Secure and Anonymous Key Agreement Against Bad Randomness for Cloud Computing | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Fine-grained Query Authorization with Integrity Verification over Encrypted Spatial Data in Cloud Storage | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Intelligent Health Vessel ABC-DE: An Electrocardiogram Cloud Computing Service | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
QuickN: Practical and Secure Nearest NeighborSearch on Encrypted Large-Scale Data | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Practical Multi-keyword Ranked Search with Access Control over Encrypted Cloud | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Privacy Protection and Intrusion Avoidance for Cloudlet-based Medical Data Sharing | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Privacy-Preserving Subgraph Matching Scheme with Authentication in Social Networks | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
PKE-MET: Public-Key Encryption with Multi-Ciphertext Equality Test in Cloud Computing | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Publicly Verifiable Shared Dynamic Electronic Health Record Databases with Functional Commitment Supporting Privacy-Preserving Integrity Auditing | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Threshold Multi-keyword Search for Cloud-Based Group Data Sharing | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Towards Secure and Efficient Equality Conjunction Search over Outsourced Databases | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
VPSL: Verifiable Privacy-Preserving Data Search for Cloud-Assisted Internet of Things | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Verifiable Searchable Encryption Framework against Insider Keyword-Guessing Attack in Cloud Storage | Cloud computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
PriRadar: A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Spatial Crowdsourcing | Network Security | Java/Python | 2020 | |
DCAP: A Secure and Efficient Decentralized Conditional Anonymous Payment System Based on Blockchain | Network Security | Java/Python | 2020 | |
SDTE: A Secure Blockchain-based Data Trading Ecosystem | Network Security | Java/Python | 2020 | |
SecureNLP: A System for Multi-Party Privacy-Preserving Natural Language Processing | Network Security | Python | 2020 | |
A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by Optimal Matching over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud | Network Security | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
An Adaptive Authenticated Data Structure With Privacy-Preserving for Big Data Stream in Cloud | Network Security | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
AAAS: An Anonymous Authentication Scheme Based on Group Signature in VANETs(IEEE Access) | Network Security | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
An Efficient Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for the Prevention of Side-Channel Attacks in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks(IEEE Access) | Network Security | Java/Dotnet/Python | 2020 | |
An end-to-end attack on text CAPTCHAs | Network Security | Python | 2020 | |
Anonymous Single Sign-on with Proxy Re-Verification | Network Security | Java | 2020 | |
Authorized keyword searches on public key encrypted data with time controlled keyword privacy | Network Security | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Pay as You Decrypt: Decryption Outsourcing for Functional Encryption Using Blockchain | Network Security | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
HawkesEye: Detecting Fake Retweeters Using Hawkes Process and Topic Modeling | Network Security | Python | 2020 | |
Extensible Conditional Privacy Protection Authentication Scheme for Secure Vehicular Networks in a Multi-Cloud Environment | Network Security | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
LPPA: Lightweight Privacy-preserving Authentication from Efficient Multi-key Secure Outsourced Computation for Location-based Services in VANETs | Network Security | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
On the Security of Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by MSB Prediction | Network Security | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Practical Escrow Protocol for Bitcoin | Network Security | Java/Python | 2020 | |
PrivateLink: Privacy-Preserving Integration and Sharing of Datasets | Network Security | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Private Coded Matrix Multiplication | Network Security | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Puncturable Signatures and Applications in Proof-of-Stake Blockchain Protocols | Network Security | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Reversible Image Secret Sharing | Network Security | Python | 2020 | |
A Blockchain-based Model for Cloud Service Quality Monitoring | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A Blockchain-Based Searchable Public-Key Encryption with Forward and Backward Privacy for Cloud-Assisted Vehicular Social Networks | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Decentralized Blockchain-Based Trust Management Protocol for the Internet of Things | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
DCAP: A Secure and Efficient Decentralized Conditional Anonymous Payment System Based on Blockchain | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
SDTE: A Secure Blockchain-based Data Trading Ecosystem | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Blockchain Based Anonymous Authentication with Key Management for Smart Grid Edge Computing Infrastructure | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Blockchain-Based Adaptive Trust Management in Internet of Vehicles Using Smart Contract | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Blockchain-based Data Storage with Privacy and Authentication in Internet-of-Things | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
GUARDIAN: Blockchain-based Secure Demand Response Management in Smart Grid System | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Pay as You Decrypt: Decryption Outsourcing for Functional Encryption Using Blockchain | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Lightweight Blockchain Consensus Protocols for Vehicular Social Networks | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Groupchain: Towards a Scalable Public Blockchain in Fog Computing of IoT Services Computing | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A blockchain-based trust management with conditional privacy-preserving announcement scheme for VANETs | Blockchain | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
GERF: a group event recommendation framework based on learning-to-rank | DataMining | Python | 2020 | |
A Unified Framework for User Identification across Online and Offline Data | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Adaptive Similarity Embedding for Unsupervised Multi-View Feature Selection | DataMining | Python | 2020 | |
BRIGHT – Drift-Aware Demand Predictions for Taxi Networks | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Building Personalized Transportation Model for Online Taxi-Hailing Demand Prediction | DataMining | Python | 2020 | |
Citywide Bike Usage Prediction in a Bike-Sharing System | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
SentiDiff: Combining Textual Information and Sentiment Diffusion Patterns for Twitter Sentiment Analysis | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
CAPER: Context-Aware Personalized Emoji Recommendation | DataMining | Python | 2020 | |
DAG: A General Model for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining | DataMining | Java | 2020 | |
Dynamic Connection-based Social Group Recommendation | DataMining | Python/Java | 2020 | |
Enriching Data Imputation under Similarity Rule Constraints | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
e-RNSP: An Efficient Method for Mining Repetition Negative Sequential Patterns | DataMining | Java | 2020 | |
ESPM: Efficient Spatial Pattern Matching | DataMining | Java | 2020 | |
From Anticipation to Action: Data Reveal Mobile Shopping Patterns During a Yearly Mega Sale Event in China | DataMining | Python | 2020 | |
Half-Quadratic Minimization for Unsupervised Feature Selection on Incomplete Data | DataMining | Python | 2020 | |
Hierarchical Latent Context Representation for Context-Aware Recommendations | DataMining | Python/Java | 2020 | |
Item Recommendation for Word-of-Mouth Scenario in Social E-Commerce | DataMining | Python | 2020 | |
MAB-Based Reinforced Worker Selection Framework for Budgeted Spatial Crowdsensing | DataMining | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Mining Maximal Dynamic Spatial Colocation Patterns | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
On both Cold-Start and Long-Tail Recommendation with Social Data | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Online Pricing with Reserve Price Constraint for Personal Data Markets | DataMining | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Personalized Long- and Short-term Preference Learning for Next POI Recommendation | DataMining | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Predicting Hot Events in the Early Period through Bayesian Model for Social Networks | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Privacy-Preserving User Profile Matching in Social Networks | DataMining | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Product Quantized Collaborative Filtering | DataMining | Java/Python/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Quality Inference Based Task Assignment in Mobile Crowdsensing | DataMining | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Representation Learning from Limited Educational Data with Crowdsourced Labels | DataMining | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Representation Learning with Multi-level Attention for Activity Trajectory Similarity Computation | DataMining | Python | 2020 | |
Robust Cumulative Crowdsourcing Framework Using New Incentive Payment Function and Joint Aggregation Model | DataMining | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
SRA: Secure Reverse Auction for Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing | DataMining | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Sequence Pattern Mining with Variables | DataMining | Java | 2020 | |
SoulMate: Short-text author linking through Multi-aspect temporal-textual embedding | DataMining | Python | 2020 | |
Trust Relationship Prediction in Alibaba E-Commerce Platform | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Using Latent Knowledge to Improve Real-Time Activity Recognition for Smart IoT | DataMining | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Blockchain Based Anonymous Authentication with Key Management for Smart Grid Edge Computing Infrastructure | Edge Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Cost-Effective App Data Distribution in Edge Computing | Edge Computing | Java | 2020 | |
Lightweighted Secure Searching over Public-key Ciphertexts for Edge-Cloud Assisted Industrial IoT Devices | Edge Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
DeepEDN: A Deep Learning-based Image Encryption and Decryption Network for Internet of Medical Things | IOT | Python | 2020 | |
A Secure and Efficient Cloud-Centric Internet of Medical Things-Enabled Smart Healthcare System with Public Verifiability | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A Trusted Attestation Scheme for Data Source of Internet of Things in Smart City Based on Dynamic Trust Classification | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Blockchain-based Data Storage with Privacy and Authentication in Internet-of-Things | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
CB-CAS: Certificate-Based Efficient Signature Scheme with Compact Aggregation for Industrial Internet of Things Environment | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Decentralized Self-enforcing Trust Management System for Social Internet of Things | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
ST-DeepHAR: Deep Learning Model for Human Activity Recognition in IoHT Applications | IOT | Python | 2020 | |
Deep Learning Enhanced Human Activity Recognition for Internet of Healthcare Things | IOT | Python | 2020 | |
Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Blockchain-Enabled Industrial Internet of Things with Deep Reinforcement Learning | IOT | Java/Python | 2020 | |
NeuroTrust – Artificial Neural Network-based Intelligent Trust Management Mechanism for Large-Scale Internet of Medical Things | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Preserving Balance between Privacy and Data Integrity in Edge-Assisted Internet of Things | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Privacy-Preserving Implicit Authentication Protocol Using Cosine Similarity for Internet of Things | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Robust Spammer Detection Using Collaborative Neural Network in Internet of Thing Applications | IOT | Python | 2020 | |
Matchmaker: Stable Task Assignment with Bounded Constraints for Crowdsourcing Platforms | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Time-aware Smart Object Recommendation in Social Internet of Things | IOT | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A Flexible Deep CNN Framework for Image Restoration | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
A Framework of Reversible Color-tograyscale Conversion with Watermarking Feature | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
A Joint Relationship Aware Neural Network for Single-Image 3D Human Pose Estimation | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
Conditional Variational Image Deraining | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
End-to-End Single Image Fog Removal Using Enhanced Cycle Consistent Adversarial Networks | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
KT-GAN: Knowledge-Transfer Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
Object Discovery From a Single Unlabeled Image by Mining Frequent Itemset With Multi-scale Features | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
Outlier Detection Using Structural Scores in a High-Dimensional Space | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
Personality-Assisted Multi-Task Learning for Generic and Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
Towards Unsupervised Deep Image Enhancement With Generative Adversarial Network | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
Differentially Private Unknown Worker Recruitment for Mobile Crowdsensing Using Multi-Armed Bandits | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Enabling Strong Privacy Preservation and Accurate Task Allocation for Mobile Crowdsensing | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Fine-Grained User Profiling for Personalized Task Matching in Mobile Crowdsensing | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
HyTasker: Hybrid Task Allocation in Mobile Crowd Sensing | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Incentive Mechanism for Multiple Cooperative Tasks with Compatible Users in Mobile Crowd Sensing via Online Communities | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
ARETE: On Designing Joint Online Pricing and Reward Sharing Mechanisms for Mobile Data Markets | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Privacy-Preserving Media Sharing with Scalable Access Control and Secure Deduplication in Mobile Cloud Computing | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Providing Task Allocation and Secure Deduplication for Mobile Crowdsensing via Fog Computing | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Stable Task Assignment for Mobile Crowdsensing with Budget Constraint | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Towards Personalized Privacy Preserving Incentive for Truth Discovery in Mobile CrowdsensingSystems | Mobile Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A Blockchain-Based Searchable Public-Key Encryption with Forward and Backward Privacy for Cloud-Assisted Vehicular Social Networks | Networking | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A Distributed Mobile Fog Computing Scheme for Mobile Delay-Sensitive Applications in SDN-Enabled Vehicular Networks | Networking | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A Novel Multi-task learning framework for Semi-supervised Semantic Parsing | Networking | Python | 2020 | |
A Secure and Verifiable Data Sharing Scheme Based on Blockchain in Vehicular Social Networks | Networking | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Ant Colony Optimization for the Control of Pollutant Spreading on Social Networks | Networking | Python | 2020 | |
Congestion Propagation Based Bottleneck Identification in Urban Road Networks | Networking | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Lightweight Blockchain Consensus Protocols for Vehicular Social Networks | Networking | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Multi-Party Privacy ConflictManagement in Online Social Networks: A Network Game Perspective | Networking | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Quick and Accurate False Data Detection in Mobile Crowd Sensing | Networking | Python | 2020 | |
Random Network Coding Enabled Routing Protocol in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks | Networking | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Source-Location Privacy Protection based on Anonymity Cloud in Wireless Sensor Networks | Networking | Ns2 | 2020 | |
LDV: A Lightweight DAG-based Blockchain for Vehicular Social Networks | Networking | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A Semisupervised Recurrent Convolutional Attention Model for Human Activity Recognition | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
A Wide-Deep-Sequence Model-Based Quality Prediction Method in Industrial Process Analysis | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Adversarial Training-Based Hard Example Mining for Pedestrian Detection in Fish-Eye Images | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Context-Aware Deep Spatiotemporal Network for Hand Pose Estimation From Depth Images | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Deep Pyramidal Pooling With Attention for Person Re-Identification | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Deep Representation-Based Domain Adaptation for Nonstationary EEG Classification | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Deep Saliency Hashing for Fine-Grained Retrieval | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Discriminative Reconstruction Constrained Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Discriminative Residual Analysis for Image SetClassification with Posture and Age Variations | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Emotion Correlation Mining Through Deep Learning Models on Natural Language Text | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Hierarchical Human-Like Deep Neural Networks for Abstractive Text Summarization | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Lightening Network for Low-light Image Enhancement | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Local–Global Memory Neural Network for Medication Prediction | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
SIF: Self-Inspirited Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Taxi Demand Prediction Using Parallel Multi-Task Learning Model | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Thresholds Based Image Extraction Schemes in Big Data Environment in Intelligent Traffic Management | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
Vision-Based Fatigue Driving Recognition Method Integrating Heart Rate and Facial Features | Neural Network | Python | 2020 | |
A Highly Reliable Metadata Service for Large-Scale Distributed File Systems | Parallel And Distributed Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Enabling Encrypted Boolean Queries in Geographically Distributed Databases | Parallel And Distributed Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Fully Homomorphic based Privacy-Preserving Distributed Expectation Maximization on Cloud | Parallel And Distributed Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
BVPSMS: A Batch Verification Protocol for End-to-End Secure SMS for Mobile Users | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Decentralized Blockchain-Based Trust Management Protocol for the Internet of Things | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Achieve Efficient and Privacy-preserving Disease Risk Assessment over Multi-outsourced Vertical Datasets | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Adaptive Secure Nearest Neighbor Query Processing over Encrypted Data | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
An Anonymous Authentication System for Pay-As-You-Go Cloud Computing | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Efficient Fine-Grained Data Sharing Mechanism for Electronic Medical Record Systems with Mobile Devices | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Efficient Provably-Secure Dynamic ID-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme with Enhanced Security Provision | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Efficient Secure Pattern Matching with Malicious Adversaries | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Lightweight Sharable and Traceable Secure Mobile Health System | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
PBT: A New Privacy-Preserving Payment Protocol for Blockchain Transactions | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Optimizing Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Convolutional Neural Network Predictions | Secure Computing | Java/Python | 2020 | |
Practical and Provably Secure Three-Factor Authentication Protocol Based on Extended Chaotic-Maps for Mobile Lightweight Devices | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Providing Task Allocation and Secure Deduplicationfor Mobile Crowdsensing via Fog Computing | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Secure Keyword Search and Data Sharing Mechanism for Cloud Computing | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Secure Remote User Authenticated Key Establishment Protocol for Smart Home Environment | Secure Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A Blockchain-based Model for Cloud Service Quality Monitoring | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
FASE: A Fast and Accurate Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Retrieval Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
A Practical System for Privacy-Aware Targeted Mobile Advertising Services | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Achieving Practical Symmetric Searchable Encryption with Search Pattern Privacy over Cloud | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Achieving Searchable Encryption Scheme with Search Pattern Hidden | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
AQA: An Adaptive Quality Assessment Framework for Online Review Systems | Service Computing | Java/Python | 2020 | |
IMS: An Identity-Based Many-to-Many Subscription Scheme with Efficient Key Management for Wireless Broadcast Systems | Service Computing | Java | 2020 | |
Attribute-Based Keyword Search over Hierarchical Data in Cloud Computing | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
GUARDIAN:Blockchain-based Secure Demand Response Management in Smart Grid System | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
ContractGuard: Defend Ethereum Smart Contracts with Embedded Intrusion Detection | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Dynamic Outsourced Auditing Services for Cloud Storage Based on Batch-Leaves- Authenticated Merkle Hash Tree | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Enabling Fast Public Auditing and Data Dynamics in Cloud Services | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Flexible Wildcard Searchable Encryption System | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Full Verifiability for Outsourced Decryption in Attribute Based Encryption | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Message-Locked Searchable Encryption: A New Versatile Tool for Secure Cloud Storage | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Mining Domain Knowledge on Service Goal Goals from Textual Service Descriptions | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Multi-value-Independent Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption with Fast Keyword Search | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Personalized Recommendation System based on Collaborative Filtering for IoT Scenarios | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Secure and Efficient Cloud Data Deduplication with Ownership Management | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
Groupchain: Towards a Scalable Public Blockchain in Fog Computing of IoT Services Computing | Service Computing | Java/Dotnet | 2020 | |
DORA: A Destination Oriented Routing Algorithm for Energy-Balanced Wireless Sensor Networks | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
LIDOR: A Lightweight DoS-Resilient Communication Protocol for Safety-Critical IoT Systems | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
A Dynamic Multipath Scheme for Protecting Source-Location Privacy Using Multiple Sinks in WSNs Intended for IIoT | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
A Secure Clustering Protocol with Fuzzy Trust Evaluation and Outlier Detection for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
A Trust-based Security System for Data Collecting in Smart City | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
I-SEP: An Improved Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous WSN for IoT based Environmental Monitoring | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Centralized Routing Protocol for DetectingWormhole Attacks in WirelessSensor Networks(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
CPSLP: A Cloud-Based Scheme for ProtectingSource-Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Multi-Sinks | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Delay-aware Green Routing for Mobile Sink based Wireless Sensor Networks | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Energy-Efficient Relay Selection based Dynamic Routing Algorithm for IoT-Oriented Software-Defined WSNs | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Latency-Aware Path Planning for Disconnected Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Tuft: Tree Based Heuristic Data Dissemination for Mobile Sink Wireless Sensor Networks | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
A Multi-Path Routing Protocol Based on Link Lifetime and Energy Consumption Prediction for Mobile Edge Computing(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
A Smart Collaborative Routing Protocol for Delay Sensitive Applications in Industrial IoT(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
A Stable and Reliable Short-Path Routing Scheme for Efficient Acoustic Wireless Sensor Networks (AWSNs) (IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol Based on Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
An Energy-Efficient Mobility-Based Cluster Head Selection for Lifetime Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Networks(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Energy-Efficient and Load-Balanced Clustering Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Using a Chaotic Genetic Algorithm(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Fault Tolerance Mechanism Combining Static Backup and Dynamic Timing Monitoring forCluster Heads(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Heterogeneous Energy and Traffic Aware Sleep-Awake Cluster-Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
New Approach of Energy-Efficient Hierarchical Clustering Based on Neighbor Rotation for RWSN(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Routing Clustering Protocol for 3D Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Fragile Collection Ant Colony Algorithm(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
FFRP: Dynamic Firefly Mating Optimization Inspired Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Internet of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Towards Void Hole Alleviation: EnhancedGEographic and Opportunistic RoutingProtocols in Harsh Underwater WSNs(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
SEECR: Secure Energy Efficient and Cooperative Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks(IEEE Access) | WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
A Novel Broadcast Network Design for Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network | MANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
An Adaptive on-Demand Multipath Routing Protocol With QoS Support for High-Speed MANET(IEEE Access) | MANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Dual-Channel-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing Technique for Indoor Disaster Environment(IEEE Access) | MANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Efficient Route Discovery and Link Failure Detection Mechanisms for Source Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks(IEEE Access) | MANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Mitigation of Black Hole and Gray Hole Attack Using Swarm Inspired Algorithm With Artificial Neural Network(IEEE Access) | MANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Multipath Routing Protocol Using Genetic Algorithm in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(IEEE Access) | MANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Trust Routing Protocol Based on Cloud-Based Fuzzy Petri Net and Trust Entropy for Mobile Ad hoc Network(IEEE Access) | MANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Trust-Based Probabilistic Broadcast Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(IEEE Access) | MANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Trusted Opportunistic Routing Based on Node Trust Model(IEEE Access) | MANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
An Efficient Load Balancing Scheme of EnergyGauge Nodes to Maximize the Lifespan ofConstraint Oriented Networks(IEEE Access) | Heterogeneous WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Coyote Optimization Based on a Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Energy-Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks(IEEE Access) | Heterogeneous WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Routing Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks(IEEE Access) | Heterogeneous WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Scalable Grid-Based Data Gathering Algorithm for Environmental Monitoring Wireless Sensor Networks(IEEE Access) | Heterogeneous WSN | Ns2 | 2020 | |
A Simple and Robust Clustering Scheme for Large-Scale and Dynamic VANETs(IEEE Access) | VANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
An Adaptive Relay Selection Scheme for Enhancing Network Stability in VANETs(IEEE Access) | VANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
AATMS: An Anti-Attack Trust Management Scheme in VANET(IEEE Access) | VANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Beaconless Traffic-Aware Geographical RoutingProtocol for Intelligent Transportation System(IEEE Access) | VANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Intelligent Detection of Black Hole Attacks for Secure Communication in Autonomous and Connected Vehicles(IEEE Access) | VANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
New Discrete Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithms for Effective Route Discovery in IoT-Based Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks(IEEE Access) | VANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
On the Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Privacy-Aware Secure ACO-AODV Routing in Intent-Based Internet of Vehicles for Smart Cities | VANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Parking-area-assisted Spider-web Routing Protocol for Emergency Data in Urban VANET | VANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
RSU-Assisted Traffic-Aware Routing Based on Reinforcement Learning for Urban Vanets(IEEE Access) | VANET | Ns2 | 2020 | |
A Provenance-Aware Distributed Trust Model forResilient Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks(IEEE Access) | UAV | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Mobility and Location-Aware Stable Clustering Scheme for UAV Networks(IEEE Access) | UAV | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Smart IoT Control-Based Nature Inspired Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Flying Ad Hoc Network (FANET)(IEEE Access) | UAV | Ns2 | 2020 | |
Object Discovery From a Single Unlabeled Image by Mining Frequent Itemset With Multi-scale Features | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
Personality-Assisted Multi-Task Learning for Generic and Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment | Image Processing | Python | 2020 | |
A Wide-Deep-Sequence Model-Based Quality Prediction Method in Industrial Process Analysis | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Emotion Correlation Mining Through Deep Learning Models on Natural Language Text | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Local-Global Memory Neural Network for Medication Prediction | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Hierarchical Human-Like Deep Neural Networks for Abstractive Text Summarization | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Discriminative Residual Analysis for Image Set Classification With Posture and Age Variations | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Thresholds Based Image Extraction Schemes in Big Data Environment in Intelligent Traffic Management | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Adversarial Training-Based Hard Example Mining for Pedestrian Detection in Fish-Eye Images | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Deep Saliency Hashing for Fine-Grained Retrieval | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Deep Representation-Based Domain Adaptation for Nonstationary EEG Classification | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Taxi Demand Prediction Using Parallel Multi-Task Learning Model | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Context-Aware Deep Spatiotemporal Network for Hand Pose Estimation From Depth Images | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
Vision-Based Fatigue Driving Recognition Method Integrating Heart Rate and Facial Features | Machine Learning | Python | 20200 | |
Lightening Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 | |
SIF: Self-Inspirited Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification | Machine Learning | Python | 2020 |